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New sustainable packaging responsibilities for the UK cosmetics industry

image of artificial intelligence, DALL-E.

In the UK, the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for packaging is an important step towards greater sustainability in the packaging industry. This initiative will require producers to take full financial responsibility for the costs associated with the management and recycling of packaging waste. The reform will replace the current PRN system and will introduce new rules that also cover e-commerce platforms in relation to packaging for imported products sold through their systems. The EPR system will be fully implemented in 2025, with fees modulated based on the recyclability of the packaging.

There will also be a focus on payments for household packaging and on-street packaging managed by local authorities, with payments beginning from April 1, 2024. The PRN system will continue to operate until at least 2026, while a scheme administrator will be established from 2023 to oversee the EPR for packaging.

New packaging data collection and reporting requirements and the introduction of EPR for packaging in the UK represent an opportunity for businesses to consider more sustainable practices throughout the product lifecycle and end-of-life management. The rules encourage the exploration of environmentally friendly materials and the implementation of effective waste reduction strategies.

In addition to the changes in the UK, the EU also aims to ensure that companies that produce, use and handle packaging are responsible for its reduction, recycling and reuse. The EU directive requires member states to establish EPR schemes for all packaging by the end of 2024 and has a vision for all packaging placed on the EU market to be recyclable by 2030.

In light of this information, it will make sense for Kosmetikk Laboratoriet to continue to develop and implement sustainable packaging solutions that meet both the upcoming legal requirements and the company's own vision of a green and circular cosmetics industry.

For more detailed information, explore the resources available from PwC UK and Norton Rose Fulbright, which offer in-depth insight into the topic.

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